Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It amazes me that the homosexual community preach, and demand, tolerance to their views and lifestyle. Yet, not much tolerance is afforded to those who oppose their views, and lifestyle. For example, I just got done reading an article on Foxnews.com about the controversy over the comments made by Miss California during the Miss USA pageant. Miss California, Carrie Pajean, was asked her thoughts on gay marriage. Miss Pajean, as a Christian, stated her opinion that she was against gay marriage, and stuck to her convictions and beliefs. Why the lack of tolerance toward Miss Pajean by two of the pageant judges over her answer? I'll tell you why, because they lack the tolerance for an objective viewpoint. Would it have been better if she had pleaded the 5th?

As Christians, we are taught to love all people. But, this doesn't mean we have to condone that which is Biblically wrong. What is wrong here, is that one of the judges, Moekler, was supposed to be a very close friend of Pajean. Yet, Moekler has no tolerance for Pajean's opinion. I'm wondering if the Miss USA runner-up was a Budhist, or Muslim, if the "No Tolerance" policy held here would still apply. It seems that when one is identified, or identifies themselves, as Christian, tolerance of their lifestyle and views gets thrown away. But as Christians, we tolerate, even love our neighbor, despite their lifestyle or views. Is it our goal to introduce everyone we meet to Jesus? Absolutely. Christians (if they are Bible believers and follow the Word of God in context) believe that the homosexual lifestyle is in direct contradiction with the Word of God. Yet, we would openly accept anyone who wants to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. With acceptance comes change. Christ died for everyone. Even those who are living in a state of seperation from God.

Tolerance. It seems to be a onesided word these days. Today, our nation is dealing with a lot of controversy. Yet, the homosexual agenda stampedes forward with no tolerance for the opposition. For the homosexual community I'll end with this, you may win a battle here and there, but the war has already been won. If you want to know true freedom, turn to Jesus and ask him to show you what it is. John 8:32 says, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free." In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me."


  1. Let's look at a different perspective of this situation...

    For those of us who don't believe as gospel one version of the current 1,000s out there as truth of the afterlife (boggles the mind how convinced each particular group is about each particular version) this is really a civil rights issue.

    Perhaps the problem is calling what gays are seeking marriage, as that originated as a religious sacrament. On the other hand, non religious people can get married at the courthouse and it's called the same thing, so I see no reason for religion to campaign against two people seeking the same rights you are able to easily pursue.

    If the good book is your only reason for seeking to prevent couples who have no effect on your life getting married, than I suggest that intolerance is firmly in your court.

  2. Anonymous, the issue is not whether you believe in God, or religion, or can’t decide what book to read. It’s got nothing to do with that. It’s about a society and its ability to set a norm for behavior and some semblance of law and order. The gay community is so hung up on being “accepted” by the rest of society that it has taken an “in your face” mentality resulting in the push back they are getting. Let’s face the facts, homosexuality is not normal (regardless of your spiritual or religious view point). It is a deviation from the norm of sexual preference and homosexuality is not an ethnic group. The society has spoken its opinion and the result is that the majority feels that the definition of a marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Once you start deviating from that norm, you open up the potential for all kinds of confusion. What are you going to say to the Polygamist? How can you defend your position when you now have opened up the Pandora’s Box of sexual preference? Homosexuals have the right to join together in union, just come up with your own terminology and leave the institution of marriage alone – then you will be left alone to do whatever you want. The “forcing” of the gay agenda on the society will not induce tolerance, it will create disgust.

  3. Hmm, I really liked the article and the second post about it.

  4. That's too funny, you are talking about "tolerance. Religious people like you don't know what tolerance is. That is why you push the government to pass laws limiting our rights in view or your own religion.
