Thursday, April 23, 2009

Right-wing or Left-wing? Which side are you on?

It used be that people could take a stand for something, or against something, and that's all it was, taking a stand. People holding to their convictions, whether Christian or not, and voicing their opinions. Extremists' were those who opposed the government; went against the laws of the land, and held themselves up on compounds ready to do battle against law enforcement. Do the Branch Davidian's ring a bell? Now, all you have to do is oppose an issue that somehow has made its way from Roe vs. Wade, to the Department of Homeland Security. How is it that a person who is a respecter of life, who calls themselves pro-life, become a right wing extremist. Where are the left wing extremists? Is there such a group? Conservative viewpoints are being slammed against the wall. I'm wondering how there can be a law in a country that can convict a person who murders a pregnant woman of double homicide (the death of the woman and the death of the unborn child), but allow for a medical procedure that terminates the life of an unborn child. Why is an unborn child given certain alienable rights as a human being when it comes to murder, but those same rights do not apply when it comes to abortion? Is it coincidence that the majority of pro-lifer's happen to be faith based people? Christian, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc. So, does that mean the Pope is a right wing extremist? Or, how about the Archbishop of St. Louis who refused to give Senator Daley communion because he is pro-choice? Our country seems to be getting way off base here. No doubt in my opinion that Planned Parenthood has something to do with this. The ACLU is probably a player in this, also. Our convictions as Christians circumvent the decrees of our government. We are told in the Bible to obey the law of the land. But, the Bible also teaches us that God is the creator of all life, and that He created man in his image and breathed life into him. God set man apart from the animals. God spoke all of creation into existence, except man. God gave man the breath of life. We are special because of this. We are special because God chose to send his Son, Jesus Christ, to be born as a man, and to endure an earthly life. Jesus left his throne in heaven to be among us. Since we are that special to God, how can anyone, including the government, expect us to turn our backs on the sanctity of life? It's not an extreme view to love life. It's a natural view. If your curious about this subject, or have questions about the governments involvement with this, go to You'll find some answers there. God bless you all.

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